Agent 007 operation mord (1963)
Jan Fleming
Danish first edition
Original: Dr. No (Jonathan Cape 1958)
Publisher: Grafisk forlag
Translator: Bengt Janus
Cover art: William (Petersen)
Ian Fleming's sixth James Bond novel was the seventh to be published in Danish. For the first time, Sean Connery's likeness is featured on the cover art. The photo insert is a still from EON Productions' film version of "Dr. No", released in Denmark the same year as "Agent 007 mission: drab".
As before, the author's byline on the cover has been danicized into "Jan Fleming".
Later editions:
● Agent 007 operation mord ("G-bog" nr. 55, Grafisk forlag 1965)
● Operation mord ("G-bog" nr. 55, Grafisk forlag 1967)
● Dr. No (Aschehoug 1984)
● Dr. No (Aschehoug 2006)
● Dr. No (Rosenkilde & Bahnhof 2014)