Tag: Licence to Kill

“Licence to Kill”: Station ID’s for TV 2 Denmark (1989)

In the summer of 1989, a 15 minute special called "Mit navn er Bond ... James Bond" (My name is Bond ... James Bond) was broadcast on TV 2 Denmark.

The show featured interviews with three of the principal actors from the James Bond 007 film "Licence to Kill", which premiered in Denmark on 7 July 1989.

Timothy Dalton (James Bond 007), Talisa Soto (Lupe Lamora) and Desmond Llewelyn (Q) each recorded a brief station ID for the special. These were broadcast on TV 2 in the days leading up to the show.

Desmond Llewelyn's notoriously bad memory leads to a blooper at the end of his segment, and while the inclusion of Llewelyn's gaffe might seem slightly unfair towards the elderly gent, it is quite amusing nonetheless.

The three station ID's combined:

The special itself, Mit navn er Bond ... James Bond", will be uploaded to James Bond•O•Rama's Vimeo page soon.